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AstriCon 2021 Is Now Virtual

AstriCon 2021 Is Now Virtual
Sangoma has decided to cancel the in person AstriCon 2021 event in Orlando, Florida the last week in September and move it to be a virtual event in it’s more traditional time slot during mid-October (exact dates to be determined). While we had a great virtual event last year (what we called AstriCon Plan 9), we were very much looking forward to hosting the community at a face-to-face event this year. However, due to the rise of Covid cases recently throughout parts of the US, including Florida, we decided it was in the best interests of the community, our partners and our employees to cancel it again. For those of you who have already registered and paid, we will refund your ticket. Please bookmark this space as we will update it soon regarding Virtual AstriCon 2021.

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