Today is National Doctor’s Day, an annual event dedicated to celebrating and thanking physicians for their dedication and service to individual lives and their communities. The first Doctor’s Day
was observed on March 30, 1933 in Winder, Georgia. At that time, Eudora Brown Almond – wife of Dr. Charles B. Almond – decided to set a day aside to honor physicians. In 1990, the House and Senate officially declared March 30 “National Doctor’s Day.”
On this day, we would like to thank all physicians for their service and dedication to patient care.Your passion and commitment to patient care is vital to our communities and the future of healthcare. So, thank you for taking those late night phone calls. Thank you for being on-call for those who may need you at any hour of the day. Thank you for taking the time and consideration to communicate with your patients and staff in the most productive way possible.
Effective communication among doctors, nurses, office administrators, and patients is a central clinical function in building and maintaining strong relationships. Patient dissatisfaction and complaints can be a result of many things, but the majority of complaints can be attributed to a breakdown in communication, either in person or via technology. Proper patient care depends on interpersonal skills and the proper technology to communicate effectively.
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